Pink Ribbon Tournament ready for its second year

23:40:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

P. Mount with M.Holt, the 1st winner of the Pink Ribbon
It feels like only yesterday I was sitting home and saw that the lovely South West Snooker Academy from Gloucester was holding a very interesting tournament - the Pink Ribbon. This wonderful competition is it truly an innovation, as it combines snooker with charity, a very important part of the received incomes going to Breast Cancer Charities.

It’s been a year since the first edition (that also meant the official opening of the SWSA) of this tournament took place and now it’s time to have a second one. More powerful and more pink that ever, the 2011 Pink Ribbon tournament it’s ready to be launched at sea. It stands for a better snooker, but also for making people aware of this horrible disease named breat cancer. So during 1-5 of June, the beautiful South West Snooker Academy will open its doors (not that they are ever closed) to twice the number of last year participants.

Several months ago I was fortunate enough as to interview Mr. Paul Mount, the proud creator of what we now call the SWSA, and I know that the Academy’s first year of life was a year filled with nothing but hard work and more hard work. A child’s dream to putting together a special place so the snooker players can practice and have the best conditions so one day they will conquer people’s hearts was transformed into reality. As the SWSA was born, Paul Mount recruited a genuine Pink Army, an army that has the likes of Jimmy White, Reanne Evans or Tony Drago.

But let’s go back to the Pink Ribbon Tournament. This year the total prize money reaches up to £10,000, from which £ 2,400 will be cashed by the winner. Last year the winner was Michael Holt, the youngster beating the legendary Jimmy White 6-5. Maybe this year, Jimmy will take revenge, as I know he is in great form after hitting a marvelous 147 break with the Snooker Legends Tour just a few days ago.

The rule at hand is "the best of 7” from the preliminary rounds to the final, the whole event being fully covered by the South West Snooker Academy official website. However, I also promise to keep you in touch with what happens daily in Gloucester, so don’t forget to take a glance from time to time to this blog ;-)

Day 1 (June 1st) schedule and matches:

From 7pm
1.Stephen Kent v. Ben Fortey
3.Roland Cox v. David Bailey
4.Alex Taubman v. Matt Northern
5.James Loft v. Philip Wildman
6.James Hill v. Terry Challenger
9.Phil O'Kane v. Sachin Plaha
10.Ollie Douglas v. Paul Mount
12.Simon Woodward v. Stephen Ellis
13.Tom Johnson v. Gavin Lewis
56.Ricky Hong Chin v. Anthony Robson
57.Darryl Hill v. Ben Harrison
11.Alex Hutchings v. Guy Loft
62.Nick Pearce v. Ross Muir

For more information please feel free to visit

“Snooker, my love” wishes best of luck to all players. May the Pink Ribbon tournament begin! :-)


Gandim roz - turneul Pink Ribbon la a doua editie

23:39:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

P.Mount si M. Holt, primul castigator Pink Ribbon
Acum un an, pe cand South West Snooker Academy din Gloucester facea primii pasi timizi in ale snooker-ului, competitia Pink Ribbon era lansata la apa. Marcand inaugurarea academiei, competitia s-a bucurat de un real succes printre participanti nu numai, tocmai de aceea la un an de la eveniment, iata ca suntem din nou pusi in pozitia de a "gandi roz!".

Creata in memoria surorii lui Paul Mount, competitia Pink Ribbon combina snooker-ul cu actele de caritate, si asta pentru ca o mare parte din venuturile realizate prin inscrierea participantilor vor fi cedate unor fundatii ce lupta impotriva cancerului la san.
Astfel ca in perioada 1-5 Iunie, un numar dublu de participanti fata de cel inregistrat anul trecut, se vor intrece pentru a-si demonstra abilitatiile de adevarati snookerisiti, in acelasi timp luptand si pentru o cauza nobila.

Pot spune ca am fost privilegiata sa il intervievez pe d-ul Paul Mount acum cateva luni si astfel am aflat povestea din spatele academiei si a acestei competitii. Dupa cum bine va spuneam, Pink Ribbon se desfasoara in memoria regretatei surori a creatorului SWSA, aceasta fiind rapusa de oribila boala. Competitia se doreste a sensibiliza publicul larg vis-a-vis de cancerul la san, sa incurajeze controalele medicale regulate si sa stranga fonduri pentru prevenirea dar si tratatea acestei boli.

"Armata Roz", adica pleiada de jucatori ce se afla sub managementul d-ului Paul Mount, este extrem de constienta de necesitatea implicarii snooker-ului in acest sector, toti jucatorii, de la Jimmy White si pana la Reanne Evans, sustinand cauza.

Cu un fond total de 10.000 lire sterline, din care 2.400 vor fi incasate de castigator, Pink Ribbon este gata de a doua editie. Anul trecut Michael Holt il invingea pe Jimmy White cu scorul de 6-5, insa poate ca anul acesta "The Whirlwind" se va razbuna, mai ales dupa forma extrem de buna pe care a aratat sa o posede inscriind un frumos 147 in timpul Snooker Legends Tour, acum cateva zile.

Regula de baza va fi "cel mai bun joc din 7", incepand cu runda preliminara si terminand cu finala, intregul eveniment urmand a fi "transmis in scris" pe site-ul oficial al celor de la SWSA. Totusi si "Snooker, my love" va lua parte la "transmiterea in scris" a evenimentului, asa ca va invit sa mai aruncati o privire din cand in cand si pe aici :-))

Program si meciuri - Ziua 1 (1 Iunie de la ora 21:00)

1.Stephen Kent vs. Ben Fortey
3.Roland Cox vs. David Bailey
4.Alex Taubman vs. Matt Northern
5.James Loft vs. Philip Wildman
6.James Hill vs. Terry Challenger
9.Phil O'Kane vs. Sachin Plaha
10.Ollie Douglas vs. Paul Mount
12.Simon Woodward vs. Stephen Ellis
13.Tom Johnson vs. Gavin Lewis
56.Ricky Hong Chin vs. Anthony Robson
57.Darryl Hill vs. Ben Harrison
11.Alex Hutchings vs. Guy Loft
62.Nick Pearce vs. Ross Muir

"Snooker, my love" ureaza tuturor participantilor multa bafta! Sa jucam snooker ... roz! :-))


Q School Event Three - the last four

18:37:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Kurt Maflin
We’ve come to the end of this year’s Q School, a new and innovative way for grabbing a place on Tour. During these past three weeks players from all around the world have tried to play at their best in order to get one for those 12 marvelous places that World Snooker was offering. Each event generated four winners, so the matches were played including the quarter-finals section, today being the last day and the last change to earn a spot on the professional circuit along with the heavy names.

The dream of playing with them was turned into a reality for Kurt Maflin, Adam Duffy, Stuart Carrington and David Gilbert. These four players are the winners of the Q School Event Three, an event that seems a bit tenser than the first two. A normal thing, if you ask me, since this was their last change to qualify on tour.

Kurt Maflin, I’m not going to lie, it’s a very dear player to my heart, mainly because I been following his career over the last season and I saw how much did he work, struggle and then put himself back together to qualify for China Open. He started with that magnificent 147 during PTC Event 1 and kept on living the dream of playing along with the best players in the world.

He was pretty unlucky to miss qualification during Q School Event One and Two, always losing by the same scoreline 4-3. However, the Goddess Fortune seemed to be on his side during the last event when he had a wonderful run.
He hammered Chris Norbury and Michell Travis 4-1, he crashed David McLellan 4-0, only see him return to the "4-1 pattern” against his last opponent, Martin O’Donnell. Now that’s a determined Englishman, now representing Norway! ;-)

Adam Duffy
Adam Duffy, the player that earned a Paul Hunter Snooker Scholarship in 2008, started this Event Three with his right foot. He whitewashed Lyndon Gordon 4-0, ended on a tight 4-3 with Stephen Rowlings, won 4-1 over Lee Walker, 4-2 over Alex Davies, only to see him put an end to David Gray dream of qualifying on tour after defeating him 4-2.

The highlights of the recent ended season tell us that Adam took part in the first five PTC events, during PTC 5 Event having the chance to go all the way through the Third Round, where he sadly lost 4-2 to Peter Ebdon. Q School related, he started the First Event in not such a good form, losing from the first round to Robbie Williams 4-1, but during the Second Event he made his way through the Forth Round, when he lost 4-0 in front of the Irishman David Morris.

Stuart Carrington
Stuart Carrington is a very well known presence for the first series of PTC and EPTC events. He took part in all the PTC`s and in EPTC 4. His best performance was in PTC 4 Event, when he successfully made his way to the Third Round. However, as well as Adam Duffy, he was going to lose in front of Peter Ebdon (this time by 4-0).

His evolution during the Q School weeks was indeed a very good one, for he ended up in Round Three in both Event One and Two. Event Three ... is however, anther story, a glorious one, as he crashed his first two opponents Nick Jennings and Justin Astley 4-0, hammered the mighty Li Hang 4-1 and Ian Burns by the same score, only to end on a 4-2 scoreline with Stephen Craigie in order to obtain the most desired Main Tour spot.

David Gilbert
David Gilbert, now that’s a name that you’ve heard about. The 29 year-old player from Derby is the one that had a pretty good season taking part in many PTC and EPTC events and putting quite a show in the qualifying rounds for the Shanghai Masters, World Open, Welsh Open, UK Championship, China Open and even the World Championship. A very good and ambitious player that proved he deserved a place on tour.

He started his Q School road with his eye on the prize, this being the reason why we’ve seen him reaching the quarter-finals stage twice! Yes! He ended up in both Event One and Two quarter-finals, but lost to Robin Hull 4-3 and to Tian Pengfei 4-2. He’s worked really hard to reach this point and that’s why, in all do honesty, I think he deserved to win O School’s Event Three.
He hit a wonderful 140 in Round Two against Robbie Williams, winning 4-1, experienced a bit of tension after that 4-3 against the Scotsman Bobby Cruickshanks, defeated India’s star Brijesh Damani 4-1 and the Assassin Allan Taylor by the same scoreline for that last spot on tour.

Sheffield lived hectic times these last past months with the World Championship and then the Q School, but now, for three weeks, until the mighty 2011/2012 will officially start, it can breath and take a bit of rest.
As for the players, some time off from tension will do them good, for the following season will definitely be a very hard one.

Congratulations to all the players, even if they won or not. In the end they all deserve to be admired for the effort ... it’s not that easy, you know?! :-))

Q School Event One winners: Andrew Norman, Adam Wicheard, Robin Hull and David Grace.
Q School Event Two winners: Simon Bedford, David Morris, Li Yan and Tian Pengfei.
Q School Event Three winners: Kurt Maflin, Adam Duffy, Stuart Carrington and David Dilbert.


Q School Seria 3 - ultimii patru

18:36:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Kurt Maflin
Q School isi inchide portile dupa trei saptamani de snooker jucat la intensitate maxima, visuri implinite sau destramate, victorii sau infrangeri, fete vesele sau triste. Sheffield-ul se poate acum declara un oras ceva mai linistit, intrucat astazi a luat sfarsit ultimul eveniment din seria celor trei. Si asa cum era si normal, patru jucatori au obtinut un binemeritat loc alaturi de numele grele, in circuitul profesionist.

Visul s-a transformat in realitate pentru: Kurt Maflin, Adam Duffy, Stuart Carrington si David Gilbert, toti cei patru urmand sa beneficieze de toate drepturile, privilegiile dar si obligatiile pe care jucatorii din circuit le au. Avadn in vedere ca cel de-a treilea eveniment a reprezentat si ultima sansa de a mai prinde trenul spre "bucatica de cer", tensiunea s-a putut simtii printre jucatorii inscrisi in Seria 3.

Kurt Maflin, un jucator pentru care recunosc, am toata admiratia din lume, in principal pentru ca i-am urmarit evolutia pe parcursul intregului sezon 2010/2011 si am putut observa cat de mult a muncit, a prins, intr-un final glorios un loc in circuit. Spun asta pentru ca in primele doua serii s-a vazut extrem de nenorocos si a pierdut calificarea cu scorul de 4-3, de fiecare data.

Totusi, eforturile de a atinge maximum de 147 in cadrul PTC 1 si de a se califica pentru China Open i-au fost rasplatite cu un loc in circuit. A inceput Seria 3 prin praticarea scorului de 4-1 in fata lui Chris Norbury si Mitchell Travis, a trecut cu 4-0 de David McLellen, pentru ca in final sa revina la "modelul de 4-1" si sa castige sferturile de finala cu in fata lui Martin O`Donnell. Victorie meritata din plin pentru englezul ce reprezinta Norvegia in circuit. :-)

Adam Duffy
Adam Duffy, jucatorul care a primit o bursa de antrenament Paul Hunter in 2008, si-a inceput cursa Seriei 3 destul de bine. L-a invins pe Lyndon Gordon cu un decisiv 4-0, a inchis cu un strans 4-3 meciul cu Stephen Rowlings, a trecut cu 4-1 de Lee Walker si cu 4-2 de Alex Davies, pentru ca ultima batalie sa o castige cu scorul de 4-2, scor ce punea punct visului de calificare a lui David Gray.

Cele mai importante reusite inregistrate de Adam pe parcurul sezonul trecut sunt participarile la seria de evenimente PTC. A luat parte in cinci dintre cele sase PTC-uri, cea mai buna performanta avand-o in cadrul PTC 5, cand a ajuns pana in runda cu numarul trei, aici fiind invins de Peter Ebdon cu 4-2.
In ceea ce priveste Q School-ul, nu a avut un start prea bun, pierzand inca din prima runda a Seriei 1 (4-1 cu Robbie Williams), insa in cadrul evenimentului secund a ajuns pana in runda patru, unde a fost invins de irlandezul David Morris cu 4-0.

Stuart Carrington
Stuart Carrington nu este un nume foarte cunoscut multora dintre noi, insa va asigur ca englezul are un palmares demn de invidiat. A fost o prezenta constanta in cadrul seriei de PTC si EPTC (evenimentul cu numarul 4). Ca si Adam insa, in cadrul PTC 4, pe cand ajunsese in runda trei, a fost invins de acelasi Peter Ebdon, de aceasta data cu sfarsietorul 4-0.

Cu toate acestea, in cadrul Q School a inregistrat o evolutie extrem de buna. S-a calificat pentru runda cu numarul trei in primele doua serii, pentru ca in final sa treaca de acest prag in Seria 3 si sa obtina mult doritul loc in circuit.
A inceput prin scorul de 4-0, aplicat atat lui Nick Jennings cat si lui Justin Astley, a continuat cu 4-1 in fata lui Li Hang si Ian Burns, pentru ca finalul sa fie unul de 4-2 in meciu jucat impotriva lui Stephen Craigie.

David Gilbert
David Gilbert, este insa un nume ce ne pare mai familiar. Englezul de 29 de ani din Derby a facut multe pentru ca noi sa rezonam la auzul numelui sau, luand parte la foarte multe evenimente PTC si EPTC si facand ravagii in multe dintre etapele de calificare pentru competitii ca Shanghai Masters, World Open, UK Championship, Welsh Open, China Open sau chiar Campiontul Mondial. Desi nu a trecut de niciuna dintre etape, evolutia sa a fost una remarcata.

In cadrul Q School a fost singurul jucator ce s-a calificat pentru sferturile de finala pentru toate cele trei evenimente. Ce-i drept pe primele doua le-a pierdut, 4-3 cu Robin Hull si 4-2 cu Tian Pengfei, insa pe cel de-al treilea nu l-a mai lasat sa scape :-P
In runda secunda a trecut de Robbie Williams cu scorul de 4-1 si un 140 absolut fantastic, apoi l-a invins dupa un meci tensionat pe scotianul Bobby Cruickshanks cu 4-2, l-a eliminat pe indianul Brijesh Damani cu 4-1, ultima batalie dand-o in fata "Asasinului" Allan Taylor, pe care l-a dovedit cu scorul de 4-1.

Cele trei saptamani de snooker vor fi urmate de alte trei saptamani de vacanta, vacanta pe care jucatorii o vor petrece cel mai probabil tot pe langa postavul verde.
Sincere felicitari tuturor jucatorilor, chiar daca au castigat sau nu. Efortul extraordinar de a face fata "Scolii de Snooker" nu poate fi decat admirat :-)

Castigatori Q School Seria 1: Andrew Norman, Adam Wicheard, Robin Hull si David Grace.
Castigatori Q School Seria 2: Simon Bedford, David Morris, Li Han si Tian Pengfei.
Castigatori Q School Seria 3: Kurt Maflin, Adam Duffy, Stuart Carrington si David Gilbert.


What`s down under? Snooker, of course!

22:21:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

G. Hooton, N. Robertson, Ms Louise Asher, Mayor Rod Fyffe
Snooker is going to travel high and low the planet this year in order to make itself more known to everyone and since it means serious business we shall have a ranking event in the land of kangaroos and Dingo dogs - Australia. World Snooker announced that between 18 and 24 of July the lovely city of Bendigo (state Victoria) will held the "Australian Goldfields Open".

The Americans say that if you start to dig a hole in the USA and you keep on digging and digging, then you might reach China. So one may thing that if you start doing the same thing in the UK you end up in Australia. Anyway that’s pure nonsense as you are all aware, but what’s really cool is that snooker is travelling from the UK to its old time friend Australia not through a tunnel but through air :-))

Although Australia is no strange from snooker, it’s such a long time since we’ve had a ranking event there. I mean, sure there was an Australia Open back in the Mesozoic Era, but things have changed since then and now snooker is more powerful than it ever was, trying to regain its lost territory.
In all do honesty I can’t think of a better ambassador for snooker in Australia rather than Neil Robertson. The 2010 world champion that made his first steps here, he’s lived most of his life in these surroundings and the vibe of Australia made him be prouder than ever when he finally succeeded to be world champion.

I remember when snooker travelled to Germany later this year in order to reenact the German Masters. What a thrill that was and what a blast! A total success that made the European continent to be overwhelmed with excitement and the UK prouder as a young pup that took his first 10 in school.

Welcome down under :-)
The Minister for Tourism and Major Events, Louise Asher said: "The Australian Goldfields Open is the latest addition to Victoria's award winning major events calendar of exciting, world-class events that is sure to thrill and entertain Victorians and visitors alike.
The event will showcase our beautiful and historic Goldfields region through a global broadcast which will reach over 66 countries; including key tourism markets such as China and the United Kingdom."

The man that made all this possible or at least had much to do with the subject, the mighty Barry Hearn, announced that this event it is scheduled for a period of three years and that it will be showed live on FOX SPORTS. Yay! :-))

Neil Robertson, the player that represents Australia in the snooker modern era added: "This is a long-standing dream come true for me, as I am sure it is for many snooker players and fans in Australia. To have a world ranking event in my home state will be just unbelievable and I hope to get a lot of support.

I know some of the other players are excited about coming to Australia and I'm looking forward to showing them around. It's fantastic to see snooker becoming much more of a global game - it looks like we'll be clocking up a lot of air miles in the next few years!"

So, 32 of the world’s best players will pack their bags and fly down under for a snooker event that will put Australia on top of the map ... well, at least on the Snooker Map and that’s all that counts for us, the snooker loopies.
Don’t forget to clear your schedule for July for this event will surely bring out the best of snooker.

P.S. For the Australian snooker fans: I envy you soooo much! :-)) 

Update: For tickets click here.


Ce-i acolo jos? Snooker, bineinteles!

22:20:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Anul 2011 inseamna anul marilor calatorii pentru mult iubitul nostru prieten, snooker-ul. Iar luna Iulie va deschide un nou front de "lupta" undeva in josul hartii lumii - in Australia. World Snooker a anuntat ca in perdioada 18-24 Iulie a.c. cei mai buni 32 jucatori mondiali, vor calatorii in tara cangurilor si a cainilor Dingo pentru un turneu de puncte ce poarta semnatura revolutiei snookeristice "Australia Goldfields Open".

Desi snooker-ul nu este un subiect strain de Australia, nu am mai avut un eveniment de snooker aici de ceva timp, cu atat mai putin unul de puncte. Cred ca primul a fost undeva prin Mezozoic, insa de atunci multe se schimbara si iata ca timpul a sosit sa vedem ce poate Australia oferi snooker-ului modern si ce are snooker-ul modern de oferit Australiei insulare.

In materie de reprezentanti de seama, nici ca puteam sa avem un ambasador mai bun decat Neil Robertson, campionul mondial din 2010. Robbo a facut primii sai pasi in snooker pe pamant australian, si-a creionat visurile tot aici, iar atunci cand a putut, in final, sa ridice trofeul de rege la Crucible, nu a uitat tara ce l-a format.

Cu succesul pe care l-a inregistrat German Masters-ul la inceputul acestui an, nu ma indoiesc ca si Australian Open va produce valuri de admiratie printre fanii snooker-ului din tara ce pare situata la capatul lumii, dar si printre cei care adora acest sport si nu sunt chiar atat de norocosi cat sa rezideze in Australia.

Bine ati venit in Australia!
Ministrul australian al Turismului si Evenimentelor Majore, Louise Asher a declarat: "Australian Godlfields Open este cea mai recenta gaselnita in materie de competitii de puncte pentru snooker-ul australian, un eveniment de clasa ce va bucura atat locuitorii din Victoria cat si pe cei ce ne vor vizita.

Intregul eveniment va promova frumoasa noastra regiune Goldfields pentru ca transmiterea meciurilor va fi realizata in 66 de tari, incluzand China si Marea Britanie."

Cel care a facut ca totul sa fie posibil, sau cel putin cel care a avut cel mai mare aport pentru ca Australia sa devina noua frontiera snookeristica, marele Barry Hearn, a anuntat ca turneul este programat sa aiba loc pana in 2013 inlclusiv, fiind televizat de catre FOX SPORTS.

Neil Robertson a adaugat: "Este unul dintre cele mai mari visuri ale mele, ale altor jucatori australieni precum si al poporului meu, devenit realitate. Sa pot juca intr-un turneu de puncte chiar aici acasa pare de necrezut si sper sa am parte de foarte mult sprijin si suport moral.
Stiu deja ca sunt cativa jucatori de snooker nerabdatori pentru a veni in Australia si sincer de abia astept sa le arat imprejurimile. Este de-a dreptul fantastic sa vad ca snooker-ul devine un sport global si cred ca in urmatorii ani vom inregistra multe ore de zbor!".

Asadar intre 18 si 24 Iulie, la Bendigo statul Victoria, Australia snooker-ul va arata de ce este in stare si stiind ca in ultimul sezon a inregistrat performante de-a dreptul uluitoare, de abia astept un nou record. :-)

Update: Pentru bilete click aici.


Q School Event two - Four more for the road

22:46:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Li Yan grabs a place with the snooker stars
Yesterday, four more players succeeded in earning a precious spot to play in this year’s snooker professional circuit after a hard battle that lasted no more than five days. Two Chinese players, Li Yan and Tian Pengfei, one Englishman, Simon Bedford and one Irishman, David Morris will be the lads that will delight us with their snooker skills in the following months.

The Q School Event Two started on May 17th and ended on May 22nd, this giving four more players the opportunity to play along with the heavy names in the snooker world. But let’s see how did they make it happen, ok?

The mighty Tian Pengfei
Li Yan had a pretty easy start as his first-round opponent, Gareth Coates withdrew from the event, but soon after that his "fury" was going to be unleashed as he stormed in to whitewash the legendary Tony Knowles and the Australian Vinnie Calabrese 4-0.
However his wonderful evolution knew a moment of major tension as the match he played against Kyren Wilson ended on a 4-3 final result. Still, the final battle was going to be won by the little Chinese player as he hammered David Gray 4-1 in order to win a place on Tour.

Another brilliant player and more known by the eyes of the large public, Tian Pengfei was also on his way to victory. And as well as his countryman, Tian started fearless of competition by crashing his first opponent, David McLellan 4-0, he continued by obtaining a scoreline of 4-1 in front of Rob James, then he returned to "let’s whitewash them all" beating Ben Judge and Sean o`Sullivan 4-0. The last battle he gave was against David Gilbert, a player that had a very good run in this event, but sadly lost to Tian 2-4.

And that’s about it from China. Now’s the time to move to both Ireland and England to see how the boys cashed victory.

Ireland takes revenge with Morris
David Morris started with a decisive 4-0 over the Indian player Manish Jain and kept going in a spectacular way as he defeated a very dangerous opponent, the Chinese Mei Xi Wen 4-2. The smell of drama was felt in the air as David ended on a decider with Garry Wilson 4-3, only to see him back in business and winning 4-0 over Adam Duffy.
The final victory was once more decided by the last frame, Michael Wild being the man to beat. As the last task was completed by David he has became our third man on Tour, after winning Event Two.

Simon Bedford did it!
Last but not least, England can be prod of his boy, Simon Bedford being the one that defeated the Scotsman Fraser Patrick 4-1, the Indian Mohammed Raoof 4-0, ended on a tight 4-3 with Stuart Carrington, hammered Joel Walker 4-1 and finally put an end to another Walker, this time Lee Walker with a 4-3 scoreline. Mission accomplished!

So, along with Event One winners (Andrew Norman, Adam Wicheard, David Grace and Robin Hull) four more can celebrate the victory after winning Event Two (Li Yan, Tian Pengfei, David Morris and Simon Bedford).
However, don’t forget that Event Three has just kicked off, after five more days four more players finding their way to the main circuit. This is the last chance they have so best of luck and may the best four win! :-))

Click here to follow the latest scores.


Q School Seria 2 - Inca patru ...

22:45:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Li Yan isi castiga dreptul de a juca alaturi de cei mai buni
Inca patru jucatori si-au castigat dreptul de a lua parte in circuitul profesionit, dupa ce ieri au iesit invingatori in cadrul Seriei 2 din Q School. Asadar, alaturi de primii patru victoriosi ai Seriei 1 (Andrew Norman, Adam Witcheard, David Grace si Robin Hull), doi chinezuti aprigi in ale snooker-ului, Li Yan si Tian Pengfei, un irlandez, David Morris si un englez, Simon Bedford ne vor incanta cu abilitatile lor snookeristice in urmatoarele luni.

Jocurile seriei secunde au debutat in data de 17 mai si au luat sfarsit pe data de 22 ale aceleiasi luni, lupta fiind una de-a dreptul istovitoare si necrutatoare cu cei care nu au fost suficient de pregatiti. In final insa, s-au ales cei mai buni dintre cei mai buni, asa cum regula de "aur" o impune. Insa sa vedem cum si-au adjudecat victoria cei patru gladiatori ai postavului verde.

Tian Pengfei in sfarsit in circuit!
Pentru inceput ne stabilim in China pentru ca, pare-se ca micutii jucatori au facut ravagii in cadrul Seriei cu numarul doi. Si motive sa ii vedem invingatori au fost! ;-)

Li Yan si-a inceput cursa destul de usor, oponentul sau Gareth Coates retragandu-se din competitie, insa la scurt timp dupa biletul de avansare catre runda secunda, "furia" chinezutului s-a dezlatuit, acesta invingandu-i pe Tony Knowles and Vinnie Calabrese cu scorul de 4-0.
Totusi, momentul de tensiune maxima nu a lipsit, Li terminand cu scorul de 4-3 meciul jucat impotriva lui Kyren Wilson. Insa imediat dupa acesta micul invangator avea sa isi reintre in forma, invangandu-l pe David Gray cu scorul de 4-1 pentru un loc in circuit.

Un atl jucator de seama al Chinei si mult mai cunoscut de catre public, Tian Pengfei, era si el pe drumul spre glorie. Prima runda si-a djudecat-o trecand cu un decisiv 4-0 de David McLellan, pentru ca mai apoi sa il  invinga pe Rob James cu 4-1 si sa revina la tiparul de "victorie absoluta" pentru a impune in fata lui Ben Judge si Sean O`Sullivan cu 4-0.
Batalia finala a fost data in fata lui David Gilbert, un jucator ce a avut o evolutie foarte buna inca de la inceputul Q School, insa care avea sa piarda in fata puternicului chinezut cu scorul de 4-2.

Irlanda se razbuna prin David Morris
Intorcandu-ne inca pe plaiuri mai apropiate, Irlanda si Anglia se pot mandri cu performantele inregistrate de jucatorii lor.

David Morris a castigat primul meci cu scorul triumfator de 4-0, in fata indianului Manish Jain, pentru ca runda secunda sa ii aduca un adversar extrem de puternic, pe chinezul Mei Xi Wen. Irlandezul insa nu a parut a fi impresionat de magnitudinea intalnirii, invingandu-l cu scorul de 4-2.
Putin dramatim a putut fi simtit in aer, David castigand urmatorul meci sustinut in fata lui Garry Wilson, in frame decisiv 4-3, insa a revenit la scoruri mult mai clare trecand cu 4-0 de Adam Duffy. Si totusi cea din urma batalie a fost decisa tot de un frame decisiv, de aceasta data Michael Wild fiind adversarul de temut. Indeplinind insa si aceasta ultima sarcina, David poate rasufla usurat: este calificat in circuit!!!

Simon Bedford a reusit!
Ultimul, insa nu si cel din urma, englezul Simon Bedford a reusit si el sa isi castige un loc langa jucatorii de marca dupa ce a trecut de scotianul Fraser Patrick cu 4-1, de indianul Mohammad Raoof cu 4-0, a incheiat meciul cu Stuart Carrington cu scorul strans de 4-3, l-a invins pe Joel Walker cu 4-1, pentru ca in final sa mai elimine un Walker, de aceasta data pe Lee Walker cu scorul de 4-3. Misiune indeplinita!

Seria cu numarul 3 a si inceput, peste cinci zile inca patru jucatori alaturandu-se cetei de flacai mai sus numiti. Si cum aceasta este ultima sansa de a intra in circuit, le urez multa afta tuturor! :-)

Click aici pentru a urmarii cele mai recente scoruri.


A new chance for amateur players

14:34:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

World Snooker has announced that in order to make snooker part of everyone’s life (in this case for the amateur players) they’ve implemented a new way to qualify for the main tour. Although this rule will apply for the 2012/2013 season, the top eight amateur players from the final PTC Order of Merit will to earn a spot for the fabulous main tour.

It’s true, I tell you! Upon my word! :-)) World Snooker is trying to make snooker more popular than ever and what better way to do it that receiving the best of the best on its main tour. And since the best of he best doesn’t automatically mean professional, the amateur players will stand a change to complete a full season along with the heavy names in the business.

At the end of the 2011/2012 snooker season, the top eight players of the final PTC Order of Merit will get a place in the main tour for the 2012/2013 season even if they are amateur players. This changes the current rule a bit, since at the moment the eight players that received a place for the next season are only Tour players.
So, it’s simple, if you didn’t get the chance to qualify for the Top 64 and you are eligible for the PTC Order of Merit Top 8, than you are in. ;-)

Barry Hearn, chairman of World Snooker, said: "This is another step towards opening the game up, giving everybody a chance to qualify and making sure we have the best players on the professional Tour.

Last season there were some fantastic performances in the PTC events from amateurs such as Daniel Wells and Michael Wasley, and this time we are rewarding amateurs and giving them every encouragement to enter the PTC events.

We are going into new territories with the PTC series this season and hoping to broadcast some of the European ones on Eurosport. The players are realising now that these events are not to be missed and I hope to see record numbers."

A great news if I might add and a wonderful opportunity for those who really want a "piece of heaven" :-)) Still, hard work is part of the equation for in order to be in the final Top 8 is not such an easy task. However with 12 PTC events and the first four awaiting for its contestants to enter (by the way, read this!) the chance to be the next player who "wows" the snooker world seems more likely. :-)


O noua sansa pentru jucatorii amatori

14:33:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

World Snooker a anuntat in stilu-i caracteristic (adica plin de entuziasm) ca jucatorii amatori au o noua sansa sa se califice in circuitul profesionist. Desi regula se va aplica incepand cu sezonul 2012/2013, cei care se vor califica in Top 8 la finalul Clasamentului de Merit PTC (Players Tour Championship), vor primi automat un loc alaturi de numele grele din snooker.

Da, este adevarat! Parol, mon cher! :-)) In incercarea de a populariza snooker-ul si de a-l face accesibil oricarui doritor ce se dovedeste a merita un loc privilegiat, World Snooker s-a gandit sa schimbe putin regula "de joc". Asadar, daca pentru sezonul ce ne bate la geam (2011/2012) jucatorii calificati in Top 8 al Clasamentului de Merit PTC au primit automat un loc in circuit, pe langa performante cantarind si faptul ca sunt jucatori profesionisti, situatia se va schimba pentru urmatorul sezon, amatorii primind si ei o sansa in acest sens.
E destul de simplu: daca esti jucator amator si nu te-ai clasat in Top 64, insa esti in Top 8 PTC si esti eligibil, atunci pentru 2012/2013 ai locul asigurat in circuit ;-)

Barry Hearn, presedintele World Snooker, a declarat: "Acesta este un pas pe care il facem pentru a face snooker-ul mai cunoscut, pentru a da tuturor o sansa si pentru a ne asigura ca avem cei mai buni jucatori in circuitul profesionist.

Anul trecut am remarcat evolutii frumoase in cadrul seriei de PTC din partea unor jucatori amatori ca Daniel Wells sau Michael Wasley, si tocmai de aceea dorim sa ii incurajam pe toti cei ce le seamana si sa le dam o sansa pentru a se inscrie in seria de evenimente.

Ne vom plimba cu competitiile PTC pe taramuri noi in urmatoarele luni si speram ca cele europene (n. tr. EPTC - European Players Tour Championship) sa fie transmise de catre EuroSport. Jucatorii au realizat ca astfel de evenimente nu trebuiesc ratate, tocmai de aceea ne asteptam la un numar record de inscrieri."

O veste imbucuratoare pentru jucatorii amatori si o sansa ce trebuie speculata. Cu toate acestea, toti cei care se vor inscrie in seria de evenimente PTC (apropo, un click aici, e importantissimo!) vor avea o sarcina nu tocmai usoara, calificarea in Top 8 fiind o adevarata provocare. Totusi, cu 12 evenimente, multa munca, ambitie, talent si putin noroc, sansa de a juca alaturi de cei mai faimosi jucatori din lumea snooker-ului pentru un sezon intreg, incepe sa nu mai para atat de ireala. ;-)


Insufficient evidence for Maguire&Burnett case

01:25:00 Ramona Dragomir 2 Comments

Maguire and Burnett
The WPBSA (World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association) made the following statement regarding the case of Stephen Maguire and Jamie Burnett:

"Following a full and comprehensive investigation into a match at the UK Championship in December 2008, the Scottish Crown Counsel has decided that there is insufficient evidence to justify a criminal prosecution.

This case has now been referred to the WPBSA for consideration of disciplinary proceedings against the two members who contested the match, Stephen Maguire and Jamie Burnett."

WPBSA Chairman Jason Ferguson said: "We are treating this case very seriously. We will now be given access to the evidence connected with the case, and our disciplinary committee will review that evidence thoroughly."

Detectives didn`t find sufficient evidence...
As a quick reminder, Stephen Maguire and Jamie Burnett have been suspected of match fixing after the 2008UK Championship first-round match, a match that Maguire won 9-3 over his snooker practicing partner and close friend, Burnett.

The bookies reported to World Snooker a suspicious betting pattern for a final scoreline of 9-3, the suspicion rising even more after Burnett missed an easy black (for a player of his condition), black that would have made the scoreline go 8-4.
Although both players have denied any wrongdoing, the police took over the case the investigation lasting almost three years.


Dovezi insuficiente pentru cazul Maguire&Burnett

01:24:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Maguire si Burnett
WPBSA (Asociatia Mondiala de Snooker si Biliard Profesionist) a facut in cursul zilei de ieri urmatoarea declaratie in legatura cu cazul Stephen Maguire si Jamie Burnett:

"In urma unei investigatii minutioase si complete, pornita dupa meciul disputat in 2008 in cadrul UK Championship ( intre Maguire si Burnett), Tribunalul Coroanei din Scotia a decis ca nu exista dovezi suficiente pentru punerea sub acuzare a celor doi jucatori.

Cazul a fost plasat catre WPBSA, pentru analizare amanuntita, precum si pentru luarea masurilor disciplinare corespunzatoare impotiva lui Maguire si Burnett."

Presedintele WPBSA, Jason Ferguson a declarat: "Tratam cazul cu multa seriozitate. Ni se va acorda acces la toate documentele si doveziile existente in acest caz, urmand ca, Comitetul de Disciplina sa le supuna unei atente analize."

Detectivii nu au gasit dovezi suficiente...
Ca si o mica reamintire asupra "De ce Maguire si Burnett au fost investigati?", va aduc la cunostinta ca in urma meciului de prima runda din UK Championship 2008, Maguire l-a invins pe bunul sau partener de antrenament si prieten Burnett cu scorul de 9-3, agentiile de pariuri suspectand un aranjament in baza scorului mai devreme mentionat.

Bunett a ratat o bila neagra extrem de usoara (John Parrott a declarat ca un profesionist ar fi inscris-o in 99% din cazuri), bila ce ar fi putut foarte bine fi cea care ar fi preschimbat scorul in 8-4. Agentiile de pariuri au primit o avalasa de pariuri pe scorul de 9-3, chiar si cand acesta parea a nu se realiza, tocmai de aceea au raportat cazul catre World Snooker.
Desi ambii jucatori au negat cu vehementa vreo neregularitate, politia a preluat cazul, investigatiile durand aproape trei ani.


Enrollment time for the PTC events

20:58:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

World Snooker announced today that every amateur or professional snooker player who fancies getting a real practice with the heavy names in the business can do so, for the PTC events 1 to 4 are open for entry.

Give me a P! Give me a T! Give me a C!!! PTC! :-)) Yep, we are ready to start a new season of snooker, so those of you who are bold enough as to test their snooker abilities in front of players such as John Higgins, Mark Williams, Ronnie O`Sullivan (if he decides to take part) or the mighty Judd Trump can do so by entering into the Players Tour Championship events.
Until now, four events are ready to start receiving players into their garden, event one and three being staged in Sheffield, event two at the famous South West Snooker Academy from Gloucester and event four (aka. The Paul Hunter Classic) in Fürth, Germany.

So, what are you waiting for? Are you a keen snooker player? Do you dream to play against the best of the best? Then get your ass to work and enroll into one, two or all the PTC events. Until now only four of the 12 events are open for entry, but time flies and soon you’ll be informed about the other ones.
The closing date for entering the PTC`s is June 7 and the fee per event is £100! So don’t waste any time, snooker is counting on you.

Click here for info and if you want more details don’t be shy and contact World Snooker. ;-)


A sosit timpul inscrierilor pentru PTC

20:57:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

World Snooker a anuntat in cursul zilei de astazi ca s-a dat startul, oficial vorbind, pentru inscrierea in seria de evenimente PTC (Players Tour Championship). Astfel incat toti jucatorii amatori sau profesionisti doritori de a-si testa abilitatile snookeristice in fata numelor de renume o pot face chiar de astazi.

Da-mi un P! Da-mi un T! Da-mi un C! PTC!!!! :-)) Cam asa suna anuntul baietilor veseli de la World Snooker, anunt ce da sfoara in tara, pe continent si poate chiar in intregul univers ca inscrierile in cadrul evenimentelor PTC au inceput.
Pana in momentul de fata doar patru evenimente sunt deschise pentru inrolare, competitia cu numarul 1 si cea cu numarul 3 urmand a avea loc in Sheffield, cea cu numarul 2 la South West Academy din Gloucester, iar evenimentul 4 (aka. Paul Hunter Classic) in frumoasa Germanie, la Fürth.

Taxa de inscriere per competitie este de 100 lire sterline, insa premiile sunt atractive pentru cei ce vor avea curajul sa joaca impotriva unor nume ca: John Higgins, Mark Williams, Ronnie O`Sullivan (daca decide sa apara) sau marele Judd Trump. 
Seria de evenimente PTC are in tolba 12 competitii ce se vor desfasura incepand cu luna Iunie a acestui an, ajungand pana in faimosul 2012. Si chiar daca pana in momentul de fata nu avem lista decat pentru patru evenimente, timpul trece extrem de repede, asa ca va sfatuiesc sa profitati de ocazie.

Atentie! Data limita pentru inscrieri este 7 Iunie! Asa ca luati-va tacul la purtator, curajul in buzunar si sa va vad pe meleaguri britanice si nu numai! ;-)

Pentru mai multe detalii click aici. Multa bafta! :-)


Who will delight us during the new snooker season

21:16:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

It`s almost that time of the year...
We have a new season in front of us and it was about time to have our "suspicions" confirmed (aka. the wildcards) and to see how the players will enter into another year of snooker at full speed (aka. the place in the ranking system)

No more than 100 players will delight us during the 2011/2012 snooker season with their artistic way of approaching the sport and their tremendous cue action and I dare in saying that if the previous season turned out to be great, the brand new one has good chances to be ... wonderful. It’s just a hunch, call me crazy, but what can I do? My snooker nose and my love for this sport indicate that we shall witness stunning snooker in the following year.

But let’s get a look at the wildcards, shall we?

Luca Brecel
Luca Brecel (place 100), one of the youngsters that dares to think he will conquer the snooker world someday and … he probably will. The boy comes from Belgium, he’s 16 years old and I was fortunate enough as to see him win the European Championship back in 2010. He seems to be one of the boldest players on tour, considering his age and I’m sure he’s going to move some mountains by playing along with the greatest names in snooker.

Another player that got a wildcard is Yu Delu (place 97), a terrific snooker player from China. With a very easy name to remember and quite easy to write, I’m sure that the media will find it worth to write about him. And more since the lad (he’s only 23 years old) will give them plenty of reason to be mentioned in the newspapers ;-) He’s made a very good impression in tournaments like China Open, the Shanghai Masters and his performance in the PTC`s was also a pretty good one.

The one and only James Wattana
James Wattana (place 98) doesn’t need an introduction for we all know how good this Thai player can be when he puts his mind to it. He succeeded in having a great run in this year’s World Championship qualifiers, he hit the highest break in this section and although he hasn’t win a ranking event in some time now (the last one was in 1995 - the Thailand Open) he is one of the finest players that Thailand can offer to snooker at the moment. I’m sure he’s served as inspiration for players such as "Double T" (aka. Thanawat Thirapongpaiboon) or Noppon Saengkham.

Last, but not least is the Indian player Lucky Vatnani (place 99). Some of you may recall him, some of you may not, but I assure you he is a very talented young man who’s won the AP State Snooker (U-21) for six times and took part in four PTC events last year, although he failed to pass the second round more than once.

The Q School is picking 12 players for the main tour
A quick stop at the Q School (Event One is over) tells us that we are in possession of the first four players to get a spot in the main tour, their names being: David Grace (place 85), Adam Wicheard (place 86), Robin Hull (place 87) and Andrew Norman (place 88). Eight more to come ;-)

According to the World Snooker official website the line-up is also consisting of the following names:

International and National Governing Body qualifiers
73 Dechawat Poomjaeng (Thailand) - IBSF World Champion
74 Sam Craigie (Eng) - IBSF World Under-21 Champion
75 TBC - EBSA Championship
76 Kacper Filipiak (Pol) - EBSA Under-21 Champion
77 Sam Baird - England
78 TBC - Northern Ireland
79 TBC - Republic of Ireland
80 Passakorn Suwannawat (Thailand) - Asia
81 Aditya Mehta (India) - Asia
82 Cao Yupeng (China) - Asia
83 Scott MacKenzie - Scotland
84 Daniel Wells - Wales

The eight players from PTC Order of Merit
65 Matt Couch
66 Liam Highfield
67 Andrew Pagett
68 Bjorn Haneveer
69 Michael White
70 Paul Davison
71 Ben Woollaston
72 Igor Figuieredo

And of course the best of the best, la crème du la crème:

La creme du la creme :-)
World rankings top 64:
1 Mark Williams
2 John Higgins
3 Mark Selby
4 Ding Junhui
5 Neil Robertson
6 Ali Carter
7 Shaun Murphy
8 Stephen Maguire
9 Judd Trump
10 Graeme Dott
11 Ronnie O'Sullivan
12 Mark Allen
13 Peter Ebdon
14 Matthew Stevens
15 Jamie Cope
16 Stephen Hendry
17 Stuart Bingham
18 Stephen Lee
19 Mark Davis
20 Ricky Walden
21 Martin Gould
22 Barry Hawkins
23 Marco Fu
24 Marcus Campbell
25 Andrew Higginson
26 Mark King
27 Joe Perry
28 Ryan Day
29 Ken Doherty
30 Liang Wenbo
31 Dominic Dale
32 Gerard Greene
33 Robert Milkins
34 Tom Ford
35 Rory McLeod
36 Anthony Hamilton
37 Fergal O'Brien
38 Mike Dunn
39 Jamie Burnett
40 Nigel Bond
41 Barry Pinches
42 Mark Joyce
43 Matthew Selt
44 Steve Davis
45 Michael Holt
46 Tony Drago
47 Jamie Jones
48 Dave Harold
49 Joe Jogia
50 Peter Lines
51 Alan McManus
52 Jack Lisowski
53 Jimmy Robertson
54 Joe Swail
55 Jimmy White
56 Adrian Gunnell
57 Alfie Burden
58 Rod Lawler
59 Anthony McGill
60 Liu Chuang
61 Andy Hicks
62 Liu Song
63 Ian McCulloch
64 Xiao Guodong


Cine ne va delecta in noul sezon de snooker

21:15:00 Ramona Dragomir 0 Comments

Inca putin mai lipseste pana la deschiderea noului sezon
Avem in fata noastra un nou sezon de snooker; ce-i drept inca in perioada de "coacere", inca in deliberari si schimbari de "retete" faimoase, dar pe cale sa ne fie servit pe un platou superb cu mare fast. In timp ce "Q School-ul" tocmai ce si-a gasit primii patru jucatori demni de un loc in circuit, era normal ca World Snooker-ul sa dea publicitatii numele celor care au primit un wildcard pentru sezonul 2011/2012. Tragand linie, desi retineti va rog ca mai sunt multe spatii inca necompletate, avem 100 de jucatori gata de startul noului sezon de vanatoare.

Sa purcedem deci la drum cu wildcard-urile, da?

Luca Brecel
Incepem de pe aici, de prin Europa cea unita, mai precis din Belgia, de unde micutul Luca Brecel (locul 100) isi indreapta pasii catre Marea Britanie. La doar 16 primaveri vizate in carnetul de note, Luca este unul dintre jucatori suficient de increzatori in fortele proprii pentru a "muta" ceva munti jucand alaturi de numele cu greutate din circuit.
Acum un an, Luca castiga Campionatul European de Snooker, iar privilegiul de a-l vedea evoluand imi spune ca daca micul jucator va continua sa-si imbunatateasca forma de joc, va produce cateva "valuri" seriose printre titratii din circuit.

Cam pe partea opusa a globului, Yu Delu jucator chinez cu un potential urias primeste si el un wildcard pentru a juca alaturi de cei mai buni. Va ocupa pozitia cu numarul 97 in clasamentul general si cu un nnume atat de usor de retinut cred ca presa va toci ceva din penita-i ascutita, cu atat mai mult cu cat Delu sigur le va da motive.
Are doar 23 de ani insa a inregistrat rezultate destul de bune in cadrul turneelor majore de puncte ca Shanghai Masters si China Open si nici prestatia din seria PTC-urilor nu a fost una foarte rea.

Binecunoscutul James Wattana
Ramanem in Asia, insa trecem in Thailanda unde il gasim pe James Wattana (locul 98). Deja un nume cu care ne-am mai intalnit, un jucator trecut de primele 30 de primaveri, ba chiar de 40, talentat nevoie mare si extrem de ambitios.
In etapa de calificare pentru Campionatul Mondial a reusit sa aiba un start extrem de bun si sa inscrie cel mai mare break pentru acest stadiu, si chiar daca nu a reusit sa se califice pentru marele eveniment, performanta nu ii poate fi negata. Nu a mai castigat un turneu de puncte din 1995, pe cand isi adjudeca trofeul Thailand Open, insa este unul dintre cei mai buni ambasadori ai snooker-ului thailandez si o adevarata sursa de inspiratie pentru jucatori ca "Double T" (aka. Thanawat Thirapongpaiboon) sau Noppon Saengkham.

Si in final, ultimul popas in materie de wildcard-uri il facem in India, unde se pare ca pe langa fabulosul Bollywood si oamenii care sparg pietre cu mainile goale pe marginea drumului (peste tot exista reversul medaliei), exista si interes pentru snooker. 
Cu un nume parca predestinat Lucky (eng. "norocos") Vatnani, este ocupantul locului 99 si desi si el face parte din "tinerimea" snookeristica, are la activ 6 titluri de AP State Snooker (U-21) si participari pline de avant in cadrul seriei de PTC-uri (din pacate avantul nu a fost prea puternic, acesta poticnincu-se prin runda secunda).

Q School-ul va selecta 12 jucatori pentru circuit
Trecem putin si pe la scoala, "Q School"-ul inchendu-si deja primul eveniment in urma caruia patru jucatori au primit un loc in circuit, dupa cum urmeaza: David Grace (85), Adam Wicheard (86), Robin Hull (87) si Andrew Norman (88). Inca opt isi asteapta randul ;-)

Conform site-ului oficial World Snooker insa, lista continua cu:

Jucatorii calificati in urma concursurilor organizate de Autoritatiile Nationale si Internationale in materie de snooker:

73 Dechawat Poomjaeng (Thailands) - Campion Mondial IBSF
74 Sam Craigie (Anglia) - Campion Mondial U-21 IBSF
75 in curs de actualizare - Campionatul EBSA
76 Kacper Filipiak (Polonia) - Campion U-21 EBSA
77 Sam Baird - Anglia
78 in curs de actualizare - Irlanda de Nord
79 in curs de actualizare - Irlanda
80 Passakorn Suwannawat (Thailanda) - Asia
81 Aditya Mehta (India) - Asia
82 Cao Yupeng (China) - Asia
83 Scott MacKenzie - Scotia
84 Daniel Wells - Tara Galilor

Cei opt jucatori PTC (ordinea de merit)
65 Matt Couch
66 Liam Highfield
67 Andrew Pagett
68 Bjorn Haneveer
69 Michael White
70 Paul Davison
71 Ben Woollaston
72 Igor Figuierado

Si in final, cei mai buni, la crème du la crème:
1 Mark Williams
La creme du la creme ... :-)
2 John Higgins
3 Mark Selby
4 Ding Junhui
5 Neil Robertson
6 Ali Carter
7 Shaun Murphy
8 Stephen Maguire
9 Judd Trump
10 Graeme Dott
11 Ronnie O'Sullivan
12 Mark Allen
13 Peter Ebdon
14 Matthew Stevens
15 Jamie Cope
16 Stephen Hendry
17 Stuart Bingham
18 Stephen Lee
19 Mark Davis
20 Ricky Walden
21 Martin Gould
22 Barry Hawkins
23 Marco Fu
24 Marcus Campbell
25 Andrew Higginson
26 Mark King
27 Joe Perry
28 Ryan Day
29 Ken Doherty
30 Liang Wenbo
31 Dominic Dale
32 Gerard Greene
33 Robert Milkins
34 Tom Ford
35 Rory McLeod
36 Anthony Hamilton
37 Fergal O'Brien
38 Mike Dunn
39 Jamie Burnett
40 Nigel Bond
41 Barry Pinches
42 Mark Joyce
43 Matthew Selt
44 Steve Davis
45 Michael Holt
46 Tony Drago
47 Jamie Jones
48 Dave Harold
49 Joe Jogia
50 Peter Lines
51 Alan McManus
52 Jack Lisowski
53 Jimmy Robertson
54 Joe Swail
55 Jimmy White
56 Adrian Gunnell
57 Alfie Burden
58 Rod Lawler
59 Anthony McGill
60 Liu Chuang
61 Andy Hicks
62 Liu Song
63 Ian McCulloch
64 Xiao Guodong